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Mission & Vision

Strategic Plan (2024-2029)


We envision a just and joyful community in which singers become comfortable in their bodies, confident in their voices, and connected with each other and the wider world of music-makers.


Northwest Girlchoir revolutionizes choral education by rejoicing in students’ voices and creativity through embodied music-making. Guided by our commitment to anti-racism, we inspire joy, belonging, and confidence, and cultivate community through shared experience. Our treble choirs welcome and affirm girls and all youth marginalized by gender.



A deliberate, continuous examination and dismantling of barriers and other forms of structural oppression



Embracing the power within our bodies, minds, and hearts



Trust and friendship that build when we feel safe, loved, and included



The spark of wonder that leads to inquiry, empathy, and creativity



Deep-rooted connection and joy among all who support our mission and our singers

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Select from the dropdown menu below.
  • Who are the admin staff at Northwest Girlchoir and what do they do?
    Click here to find out more about the Northwest Girlchoir admin staff and how to contact them!
  • What is the NWGC attendance policy?
    Click here to download the attendance policy.
  • What is the NWGC COVID policy?
    Click here to download the NWGC COVID policy.
  • How can I find more information about my child's choir?
    You are currently logged into Northwest Girlchoir's Families Section which includes class rosters, our interactive calendar, important resources and updates from your teacher-conductor. Click on your child's choir tab above to learn more!
  • What are Northwest Girlchoir rehearsal policies?
    Singers (particularly those in Liebe, Yǒu Yì, Raku, and Tarab) should be sure to have a snack and use the bathroom before rehearsal begins. Bathroom breaks during rehearsal should be for emergencies only. Food, gum, and drinks (other than clear water in a non-breakable, lidded bottle) are not permitted in rehearsals or concerts. Be sure to have your materials with you for each rehearsal. This includes your folder, music, and pencil and may include a water bottle. Cell phone use is not allowed during rehearsals or concerts. Similarly, Apple watches or other communication devices should be turned off or in airplane mode during Girlchoir time. Parents are encouraged to contact the office if they need to be in touch with their child during a rehearsal. On-time rehearsal attendance is important for each singer and for the choir as a whole. Singers should not be dropped off more than 10 minutes early or picked up more than 10 minutes beyond the end of rehearsal. If you arrive early with your child, please wait with them in the Family Room until 5-10 minutes before the rehearsal begins.
  • What are rehearsal drop-off and pick-up policies?
    Parking lot: Routing through the parking lot at North Seattle Church is one-way. Enter the parking lot on the west side of the building, next to The Bridge Coffee House. Then drive around the building to the East Entrance doors – Northwest Girlchoir’s primary entrance. During drop-off and pick-up, please park your car in a space. Use caution when backing out and watch for pedestrians. Waiting areas: Northwest Girlchoir is not responsible for choristers who arrive more than 10 minutes before rehearsals begin. Parents do not need to stay on the premises during rehearsals, but are welcome to wait in the hallways, lobby or family room of the church. Choristers in Liebe, Yǒu Yì, Raku, and Tarab are not allowed to wait alone either before or after rehearsal – they must be supervised by an adult. Choristers in Sangat and Amore may wait before or after rehearsal in the lobby or family room. Choristers should use the restrooms and have a snack before rehearsal. Food is not permitted in the rehearsal rooms. Drop-off guidelines for Liebe: Liebe parents must accompany their chorister into the rehearsal room and initial the sign-in sheet. Make a note on the sign-in sheet if your chorister is being picked up by someone other than the usual parent, caregiver, or carpool driver. Drop-off guidelines for Yǒu Yì, Raku, Tarab, Sangat, and Amore: Yǒu Yì, Raku, Tarab, Sangat and Amore choristers should not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the start of rehearsal. When they arrive, they initial a sign-in sheet outside of their classroom. Pick-up guidelines: Liebe: Parents must go into the classroom at the end of rehearsal to pick up their chorister. Yǒu Yì, Raku, and Tarab: Parents should meet their choristers in or outside of the East Entrance lobby and walk with them to their parked car. Sangat and Amore: Parents may meet their choristers in the building or outside. Late policy If you will be late picking up your chorister, please call the office at 206-527-2900. Liebe, Yǒu Yì, Raku, and Tarab choristers will be brought to the choir office. This service should only be used on a rare occasion and should not be abused. Do not have your child go alone to another part of the building or to the west side of the parking lot to wait for you – they need to be under staff supervision and near the East Entrance.
  • What materials does my chorister need?
    A non-breakable water bottle with lid is suggested for rehearsals. Only water – and nothing with any food coloring – should be inside the bottle. Be sure your singer’s name appears somewhere on the water bottle so it can be returned if lost or left behind. Note that water bottles with retractable straws are easy to use with face masks, should that be necessary. A sharpened pencil with eraser was supplied at the beginning of the year for all singers in Yǒu Yì through Amore. Please be sure you have a pencil at each rehearsal. Each piece of choral music typically costs between $2 and $5; black folders are much more expensive. Only pencil should be used when marking printed music; markings should be erased before music is turned back in. Do not staple or otherwise alter printed music. Check with your teacher-conductor if your music appears to be photocopied. The music and folders supplied for rehearsal (Yǒu Yì through Amore) are the property of Northwest Girlchoir. Future choristers will reuse them, so please treat materials with care. Just as with school materials, music folders and music should be transported to and from each rehearsal. If a folder and its music is lost or damaged beyond the possibility of re-use, a replacement fee of $50 will be charged. Music is collected at the end of each concert cycle. Returning music late results in hours of additional work for our administrative staff; please return music in a timely manner.
  • How can I volunteer for Northwest Girlchoir?
    You are invited to become part of Northwest Girlchoir’s dedicated volunteer team! Please review the opportunities below and consider making time this year to help Northwest Girlchoir achieve our mission. Volunteering is also a great way to get to know other parents and choristers! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Board of Directors Become a strategic leader of Northwest Girlchoir, meeting monthly to build stability, growth, equity, and community. Equity Work with a diverse community committee to increase access and inclusion for BIPOC and gender-diverse people across the organization. Fundraising Join an enthusiastic committee to support fundraising efforts and steward relationships with individual and corporate donors. Finance Put your love of numbers to work with quick-thinking and disciplined committee that meets quarterly to review Northwest Girlchoir’s budget, financials, and projections. Music Library Help file and organize the sheet music your choristers sing before and after concerts. Office Support Come into the office during rehearsal to make friends and increase efficiency – help with mailings, copying, filing, data entry, and more! Event Helper Assist with Northwest Girlchoir fundraisers and other community events. Help us plan, set up, serve, decorate, and/or clean up. Concert Support We couldn’t put on concerts without our parent volunteers! Sign up as greeter, usher, box office staff, backstage helper, uniform helper, or another important role. ADDITIONAL EXPERTISE OR SKILLS Do you have a specific skill that you could share with Northwest Girlchoir? Let us know if you have know-how in the following areas: IT/ Database Photo/Videography Finance/Accounting Foreign Languages (please specify) Audio Recording Graphic Design Dance/Choreography Law Marketing/PR Sewing Human Resources Please send us an email at if you can help in any of these areas. You can also respond to specific volunteer sign-ups that come out from our staff. Thank you!
  • What happens when there is inclement weather?
    Northwest Girlchoir will close for snow according to the most conservative Seattle or Shoreline schools (whichever closes earlier and stays closed longer). Rehearsals may be cancelled even if schools are in session, depending on afternoon road and weather conditions. Closures will be reported on our website and through emails to families.

Northwest Girlchoir


2150 N 122nd St.
Seattle, WA 98133

Accessible by bus routes 345 and 365; Meridian Ave N & N 120th St

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Get updates about our upcoming concerts and events, auditions, ways to support our organization and more!

Our Commitment to Equity

Because all members of a community benefit from equity work, equity is a core value of Northwest Girlchoir. With an intersectional approach, including racial and gender equity, we deliberately and continuously interrogate and dismantle all forms of structural oppression within our organization. Our programs and policies affirm each individual’s identity, experience, and heritage, creating a just and welcoming community. Together, we celebrate inclusivity through joyful music-making.

@2024 by Northwest Girlchoir

Some photos provided by Bronwen Houck Photo

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